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Carbon Monoxide Detectors | Complete Guide

24/10/2024 • by Chris Bird

Carbon monoxide detectors are essential equipment for the home. In some parts of the UK, they are legally required and protect homeowners from toxic CO gas. Understanding the risks attached to carbon monoxide is important to help influence the best devices to invest in. This blog will offer a full guide to carbon monoxide detectors and why you should invest in one today.

What Is A Carbon Monoxide Detector? 

A carbon monoxide detector monitors levels of CO wherever gas-burning appliances are placed. This device will alert the homeowner if it detects a dangerous amount.

Carbon monoxide detectors are crucial to keeping the home safe. Whilst heat, smoke and fire alarms are commonly understood to be important, CO alarms often get overlooked. However, they can (and do) save lives. By constantly monitoring an area for CO levels they check that a living space is safe. If there is any risk of potential CO danger the alarms will be triggered and will alert to danger. This allows people precious extra time to evacuate from the area and have a professional remove the danger.

What Is Carbon Monoxide?

Carbon monoxide or CO is a flammable, tasteless, odourless gas. It is highly toxic and is often referred to as the ‘invisible killer’.

Carbon monoxide is produced by gas-burning devices. These are mostly found in the kitchen, the utility room or the garage. The biggest risk of CO is the damage it can do to the lungs. CO poisoning is a very real and dangerous risk. It can cause sickness, chest infections, headaches, nausea and even death if left unmonitored.

CO is also impossible to see. Thus, Carbon monoxide detectors are invaluable equipment.

Where To Place A Carbon Monoxide Detector (British Standard)

Rooms with a fixed combustion appliance in your home should have a CO detector installed. The only exception to this rule is gas cookers.

  • Carbon monoxide detectors must be placed high up without being difficult to access.

  • The placement of the CO device must not compromise accessibility.

  • As the gas is released and rises, it will collect at the ceiling.

  • For the device to work at maximum strength it should be placed where the highest volume of gas will be.

Carbon monoxide detectors are a legal requirement for landlords and tenants. They must be installed near these areas to monitor them for danger.

CO devices can only alert to danger effectively if they can be regularly monitored or checked. Consider every home occupant's needs when choosing the placement of those who use the space.

What To Do If A Carbon Monoxide Detector Goes Off?

Do not panic. Evacuate everyone from the space calmly and safely. Inform a professional right away. Wait in a safe space for a professional to remove the danger.

The two most important things to do when a carbon monoxide detector goes off are to stay calm and not ignore the alarm. Even if there is a chance the alert might be a false alarm the safest way to keep everyone protected is to have a professional inspect the potential danger. Ignoring an alarm or turning it off altogether can have detrimental long-term results. To ensure safety trust the warning the alarm gives and respond immediately and safely.

Why Is My Carbon Monoxide Detector Beeping?

The device is warning to low battery. Batteries may need to be replaced every 6 months.

A beeping carbon monoxide alarm should never be ignored. The beep is a warning to low battery meaning the batteries must be replaced or the device will stop working. As a CO device loses battery the features will begin to fail. If ignored the carbon monoxide detector will not be keeping you safe. Changing batteries are inexpensive and easy. Simply fit new batteries into the device to continue being protected from CO danger.

How Do I Test My Carbon Monoxide Detector?

Press down on the button located at the bottom of the device, hold for 5 seconds and release. Alternatively, carbon monoxide testing kits are available to check the effectiveness of a device. An easy tip is to set aside a day every two weeks to test the alarm. Also don’t forget to check the volume of the device. Make sure it can be heard by everyone.

A correctly working carbon monoxide detector will beep 4 times, pause, and beep 4 times more. If this doesn’t happen it is a sign that the device is faulty. This means either the batteries need replacing, the device needs to be cleaned from dust and debris, or the device is broken and needs replacing altogether. If after the test you are still unsure, inform a professional.

Do I Need A Carbon Monoxide Detector?

Yes! Carbon monoxide devices are lifesaving equipment. They protect the home from dangerous gas and are an investment for your future health.

Where To Purchase A Carbon Monoxide Detector

The Fire Protection Shop is committed to providing the ultimate healthcare equipment.

When investing in safety equipment you are investing in your own health. That means you need to trust in the product. The WisuAlarm CO detector is available to provide the highest quality home safety whilst being affordable and reliable. The WisuAlarm combines safety with accessibility. The alarm has a 10-year lithium battery. Once installed the device can provide total protection without the stress of constantly changing and replacing the device. The WisuAlarm detector can also be silenced by either pressing the button on the device or by pointing any brand TV controller at the device

If you are looking for domestic safety equipment that is accessible, reliable and fast-acting the WisuAlarm will provide total carbon monoxide protection.

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