Fire suppression units are a type of fire extinguisher that can tackle fires autonomously. Fire suppression units cover multiple high risk ignition areas to create a network. This is called a fire suppression system.
Fire suppression systems differ from automatic fire extinguishers because they cover multiple ignition points, whereas an automatic fire extinguisher tends to cover one area.
For more information on automatic fire extinguishers, please read our definitive guide here.
Tube based suppression systems are a network of strategically placed heat sensitive tubing that automatically extinguishes fires after a certain temperature is exceeded. There are direct and indirect systems available.
Direct systems are designed for areas that are separated into compartments and the tubing directly tackles the fire by bursting and releasing high pressure extinguishing agent.
Indirect systems are designed for non-compartmentalised areas and the tubing only acts as a detection device. When the tube bursts this causes the pressure to drop, which causes the extinguishing agent to be released from a steel conduit. Once released, the extinguishing agent is sprayed across the entire area through strategically placed nozzles.
An interconnected suppression system refers to multiple fire suppression units that are collectively activated through a metron actuator and suppression panel. A metron actuator is a small pin-like mechanism that is linked to a suppression panel.
When a fire is detected, the metron actuator activates and breaks a heat sensitive bulb, which sends a signal to the suppression panel to activate all metron actuators. This causes all compatible units to release the extinguishing agent to tackle the fire.
Both systems extinguish a fire in three simple steps.
Step 1: Detection
Fire is detected through a heat sensitive tube or bulb.
Step 2: Trigger
The temperature increase causes the heat sensitive tube or bulb to be broken. For tube based systems, the heat sensitive tube breaks from the heat. For modular suppression systems, the metron actuator is activated which automatically breaks the heat sensitive bulb.
Step 3: Suppression
The extinguishing agent is released and the fire is swiftly tackled, ensuring safety for individuals and the surrounding area.
Sometimes suppression systems aren't suitable for every area, especially in areas such as enclosed micro-environments. For micro-environments such as cabinets and fuse boxes, it's important to select a suitable fire extinguisher that can fit in hard-to-reach places and swiftly tackles fires reliably.
The FireShield mini is a superb choice.
Read more here.
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