13/02/2024 • by
Construction sites are notorious for being a high risk area for a fire breaking out. If a fire occurs on a construction site, this can be highly destructive causing damage to materials which will result in the delay of the construction. Not only this but it’s also a risk to life.
A range of combustible fuels including fibrous insulating materials, adhesives and timber are commonly found on construction sites. LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas) is a particular danger which is used as a fuel across the vast majority of construction sites including bitumen heaters and throughout on-site accommodation. This is the fuel used to power any plant equipment or vehicles on site. It is recommended that you store these hazardous combustibles in hazardous substance cabinets that are available to buy on Fire Protection Shop.Buy a hazardous substance cabinet
It is important that workers are provided with clear health and safety messages in the form of safety signs for construction sites. At Fire Protection Shop we recommend the following:
Dangerous substance signs: the dangerous substance signs are ideal to show dangers that are present such as flammable liquids and gases etc. Buy dangerous substance sign
Fire equipment signs: this sign tells the worker the location of the fire equipment such as a fire alarm call point. These are commonly located on construction sites where the fire extinguishers or call points are located. The sign is usually a red square with white text. Buy fire equipment signs
Fire extinguisher I.D signs: these signs identify the types of fire extinguishers and what fires they can be used on. These signs are usually white with a red extinguisher along with text and symbols. Buy fire extinguisher I.D signs
Fire exit signs: these signs are used to alert workers of where a fire exit is and the location. The signs have a solid green square / oblong with a white symbol / symbol and text. Buy fire exit sign
Caution signs: the yellow caution sign shows their is a danger for workers and visitors etc to be aware of such as a forklift truck operating and in the event of a fire, do not use this lift. Buy caution signs
Prohibition signs: the red prohibition sign is commonly used for construction sites on the entrance with signs such as no entry. Prohibition signs have a red circle with a crossbar on a white background Buy prohibition signs
Caution / Danger / Warning signs: this makes the worker aware of any hazards or dangers. The most common ones are warning electrical hazard and danger men working overhead. These signs have a solid yellow triangle with a block border. Buy caution, danger or warning signs
Other fire safety signs recommended for construction sites include fire extinguisher location boards, dry riser, fire action, fire door, fire assembly, security and health and safety signs. View our range of fire safety signs
Alongside fire safety signs it is important for alarms to be raised in the event of a fire or first aid emergency, this is why we recommend temporary site alarms which are ideal for alerting your workers of a danger. Buy construction site fire alarms
We also recommend construction sites have fire extinguishers to match the potential types of fires that are most likely to break out. The most common fire extinguisher used on a construction site is the dry powder fire extinguisher as it can be used on a range of fires (Class A, B and C). This includes wood, paper, textiles, flammable liquids and gases. Buy a fire extinguisher
As well as fire extinguishers, it is also recommended to have a fire point on your construction site. This is so all workers are aware of the location of the fire equipment, first aid box, call point and fire safety signs. This makes an emergency situation easier to handle. A range of these fire points can be purchased as part of a fire safety pack which also includes fire extinguishers, call point alarms and stands to store the extinguisher. On our website we recommend construction site fire safety packs and contractors stand packages: Buy a fire safety pack
Visibility is a high importance for construction sites as there will be multiple items such as materials on the site that could be a trip hazard. At Fire Protection Shop we have a range of 110v site lighting equipment which are highly visible and ideal for construction sites. Buy site lighting
Alongside this we also sell emergency lighting which provides immediate secondary lighting when the power supply to the normal lighting fails. This is crucial especially in an emergency situation such as a fire as it enables workers to safely leave the site. Buy emergency lighting
For more information about construction fire risks and to buy our products today, call us on 0800 316 1469, visit our website: or email us at [email protected].
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