13/02/2024 • by
If you are going to use a fire extinguisher you will need to be trained in how to use it. You will also need to know which type of fire extinguisher is used for different types of fires. To determine what fire extinguisher you will need, we have listed the different types of fire extinguishers and what they can be used on.
CO2 fire extinguishers – ideal for fighting electrical fires and are commonly used in offices.
Water fire extinguishers – used for class A fires such as wood, paper, and textiles.
Water additive fire extinguishers – similar to traditional water fire extinguishers, designed to tackle class A fires with a higher fire rating.
AFFF foam fire extinguishers – these extinguishers can be used for class A and B class fires including wood, plastics, paper, cardboard, fabric and textiles, grain dust, and flour along with flammable liquids, gasoline, petroleum oil, paint, and diesel.
Dry powder fire extinguishers – this is the most versatile fire extinguisher which can be used on class A, B, and C Class fires.
Wet chemical fire extinguishers – commonly used in commercial kitchens and are used on cooking oils and fats found in deep fat fryers (F Class).
If a fire occurs, before you try to tackle the fire make sure the fire alarm has been raised by you or someone else. Alongside this make sure you have a safe evacuation route. Only tackle a fire if it is safe to do so and the fire is in its very early stages. Make sure to put your own and other people’s safety first.
When considering tackling the fire, if you have the slightest doubt or uncertainty about tackling the fire, evacuate the building immediately and call the fire brigade.
Once you have chosen the correct fire extinguisher for the fire type, simply follow our four-step guide:
Pull the pin to break the tamper seal
Aim the nozzle low and point the nozzle/hose at the base of the fire – if you are using a CO2 extinguisher, do not touch the horn as it gets extremely cold which could damage the skin
Squeeze the handle to release the extinguishant agent
Sweep from side to side at the base of the fire which is the fuel source. Continue to do this until the fire has been put out
If you are unable to put out the fire or if the extinguisher becomes empty, immediately evacuate yourself from the building (others should have already vacated), close all doors behind you as you exit, and ensure the fire brigade has been called.
For more information or to buy a fire extinguisher, call us at 0800 316 1469, visit our website: Fire Protection Shop or email us at[email protected].
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