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Electrical Fires

Due to electricity not being a source of fuel, Class E technically doesn't exist. When an electrical fire occurs the correct fire extinguisher must be used as otherwise more damage can be caused. If for example, the user is handling a water fire extinguisher, this could conduct electricity and cause electrocution and serious harm to the person handling the extinguisher. Go back to fire extinguishers

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What is an Electrical Fire Extinguisher Used for?

An electrical fire extinguisher is used for fires caused by electrical equipment. It’s designed to put out fires without conducting electricity. These extinguishers are safe for use on live electrical fires.

These include fires from faulty wiring, overloaded circuits, or electrical appliances like toasters and microwaves. They can also be used for fires in electrical panels or fuse boxes.

What If I Don't Have A Fire Extinguisher?

If you don't have an extinguisher to hand then using a heavy blanket will smother the fire and deprive the flame of oxygen. It is important to note that the whole blanket needs to cover the fire otherwise oxygen will keep the fire alight.