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Typically, your office will have a few different extinguishers readily available. An office faces many fire risks due to the number of people, desks, computers, power supplies and furniture. The most common cause of office fires is defective wiring or overloaded electrical sockets. This is then followed by general combustible clutter, such as paper.
Desks, chairs, carpets, curtains, notice boards, waste paper, shelving, furniture, wooden doors - Class A
Furniture polish, cleaning materials, petrol, oil, alcohol, paints - Class B
Butane, propane, methane, gas camping stoves, gas barbecues - Class C
Computers, stereos, printers, kettles, electric heaters, fans - Class E (Electrical)
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When choosing office fire extinguishers, you should cover solid combustibles (Class A) and electrical fires at a minimum.
We will often recommend:
CO2: Suitable for electrical hazards such as overloaded plug sockets and Class B flammable liquid fires.
Water - Suitable for Class A solid combustible fires such as desks, chairs, carpets, curtains etc.
Foam - Suitable for Class A solid combustible fires and Class B suitable for flammable liquids (petrol, polish, cleaning materials, oil, furniture, wood, carpets etc)
Water Mist - Suitable for Class A, Class B, Class C flammable gases, Class F kitchen fat fires and electrical fires. This well-rounded extinguisher is ideal for use in corridors for easy access.
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