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Fire Extinguishers

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Fire Extinguishers & Safety Products From Fire Protection Shop

Fire Protection Shop specialise in the supply of quality fire extinguishers and other fire safety products to homes and businesses alike. Our products include a variety of different extinguisher types such as water fire extinguishers and our carbon dioxide fire extinguisher range. In addition to our fire extinguisher ranges, we also supply fire blankets, extinguisher stands, fire and smoke alarms, first aid kits and other fire safety equipment, all from brand manufacturers at competitive prices. All products carry a full warranty and guarantee and are supplied with relevant fixings where applicable. So for extinguishers, alarms and all your other fire safety needs, trust Fire Protection Shop to give you the quality, expertise and service you require.

There are six main types of fire extinguisher filling agents. Each agent is capable of handling a different class of fire and therefore the choice is completely dependant on the environment that you are preventing the fire within. Each extinguishing agent comes with its own benefits, water extinguishers are cheaper, produce a cooling effect and prevent reignition once the fire has been extinguished. Carbon dioxide extinguishers are clean agents, they leave no residue, are suitable for electrical fires and are often used on liquid fires which includes petrol, oil or other solvents.

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